Real • Relevant • Relational
Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
Northeast Community Fellowship is “Kingdom Church With A Community Heart”. We desire to lead people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by our witness as Christians, in our corporate worship and through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Our church is Real, Relevant, and Relational.
What We Believe
We are part of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, and as such, adhere to the basic doctrinal statement of Foursquare. The Foursquare Gospel Church believes in:
The Holy Scriptures — We believe the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The Eternal Godhead — We believe God is Triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit ( 2 Corinthians 13:14).
The Fall of Man — We believe the man was created in the image of God, but that by voluntary disobedience he fell from perfection (Romans 5:12).
The Plan of Salvation — We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon of all who believe on him (John 3:26; Romans 5:8).
Salvation Through Grace — We believe that we have no righteousness and must come to God pleading the righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 2:8).
Repentance & Acceptance — We believe that upon sincere repentance, and whole-hearted acceptance of Christ, we are justified before God (1 John 1:9).
The New Birth — We believe that the change which takes place in the heart and life at conversion is a very real one (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20).
Daily Christian Life — We believe that it is the will of God that we be sanctified daily, growing constantly in the faith (Hebrews 6:1).
Baptism & The Lord’s Supper — We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward work (Matthew 28:19). We believe in the commemoration of the Lord’s Supper by the symbolical use of the bread and juice of the vine (1 Corinthians 11:24-25).
Baptism of the Holy Spirit — We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to endue the believer with power; and that his incoming is after the same manner as in bible days (Acts 2:4).
The Spirit-Filled Life — We believe that it is the will of God that we walk in the Spirit daily (Ephesians 4:30-32).
The Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit — We believe that the Holy Spirit has gifts to bestow upon the Christian (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and that we should show spiritual fruit as evidence of a Spirit-filled life (Galatians 5:22).
Moderation — We believe that the experience and daily walk of the believer should never lead him into extremes of fanaticisms (Philippians 4:5).
Divine Healing — We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the sick in answer to the prayer of faith (James 5:14-16).
The Second Coming of Christ — We believe that the second coming of Christ is personal and imminent (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Church Relationship — We believe it is our sacred duty to identify ourselves with the visible church of Jesus Christ (Acts 16:5; Hebrews 10:25).
Civil Government — We believe that rulers should be upheld at all times except in things opposed to the will of God (Romans 13:1-5).
The Final Judgment — We believe that all shall stand some day before the judgment seat of God; and there receive eternal life or death (Revelation 20:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10).
Heaven — We believe that heaven is the glorious eternal home of born-again believers (John 14:1-3, Revelation 7:15-17).
Hell — We believe that hell is the place of eternal torment for all who reject Christ as the Savior (Revelation 20: 10, 15).
Evangelism — We believe that soul winning is the most important responsibility of the Church (James 5:20).
Tithes & Offering — We believe that the method ordained of God for the support and spread of His cause is by giving of tithes and free-will offerings (Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 9:7).
Are you searching for answers to life’s most troubling questions?
In the next few moments, you can find forgiveness, a personal relationship with God, peace, freedom from guilt, wisdom, and the Father’s plan for your life. What are the steps for you to take to discover these vital answers?
The Bible declares: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).Giving you abundant life required the supreme sacrifice: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).God desires fellowship and companionship with you. What a wonderful gift the Father has given, yet if God gave His own Son to provide an abundant and everlasting life, why don’t more people have what He has designed for us to receive? It is a question answered by this sobering realization.
Thank you for visiting the Northeast Community Fellowship website.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matt 6:33